So, I've been busy lately to those who care,
On top of work, collage just started a month or so ago, so I have not had much time to work on getting JDex pages out. I've been writing plot points and stuff that happen much later on in the story, and slowly getting backgrounds done for the first chunk of pages, I’m still working out how to streamline getting them drawn.
I'm going to post page 2 whenever that gets done, it is 4/5ths done. Then pages will come out in clumps, depending on what’s going on. The first 20 or so pages have rough drafts, and the entire first chapter is mostly written out. I’ll do a more informative update when more pages are out and the plot gets going.
I’ve been also getting Power Plaid Plays (A Let's Play show I do with my freind Matt) episodes out, I uploaded parts 1 and 2 of Hyrule Warriors last week and Resident Evil 2 is coming soon, along with some sort of Halloween themed episodes. This is another thing with a huge backlog, there are hours of recordings and tons of games I got to edit.
I need to sleep now.
- Larry